Sorgho Squad

Sorgho Squad Book Series Spins Sustainability Superheroes from Cereal Grains

Many parents struggle with getting kids interested in urgent global challenges, from hunger to climate change. Often, these topics appear too abstract or intimidating for young minds. A new children’s book series by agriculture expert and sustainability champion Nate Blum is smashing that notion. 

“Kids have told me they never realized how their choices can help make a difference,” said Blum regarding enthusiasm for his popular Sorgho Squad book series. Blending entertainment with education, three installments follow kid adventurers saving the world – one ancient cereal grain at a time.

Sorgho Squad

Meet Professor Sorgho – A Real-Life Inspired Hero

Readers first encounter bookish protagonist Professor Sorgho, who discovers clues to solving modern sustainability challenges in ancient ruins. To decipher them, he embarks on a global quest to reunite experts called the Sorgho Squad.  

The fictional hero draws directly from real-world scientists pioneering climate-smart crops and sophisticated growing techniques to feed more using less land and resources.

“I modeled the visionary professor character and his inspiring mission after the real agricultural innovators I admire,” explained Blum on the real-world influences that fuel the fictional adventure.  

Spotlight on Climate-Resilient Heritage Grains

True to its name, the Sorgho Squad series highlights the power of grains like sorghum and pearl millet. These resilient heritage crops can thrive despite climate threats like drought, unlocking food security for vulnerable regions. They also deliver key micronutrients absent in staple commodity crops, tackling ‘hidden hunger’ across the globe.

It’s exactly these kinds of real-world solutions Blum weaves throughout his books, aiming to spark curiosity in readers. “I hope kids will ask to try these ancient grains once they learn of the outsized benefits,” he said.

Vibrant Illustrations Delivering Real-World Impact

Given heavy topics, Blum knew readability across ages was key. “Between vivid illustrations and character-driven plots, readers dive in versus getting intimidated by facts and figures,” he explained. 

The artful approach is achieving his aim of creating informed consumers and future innovators. As one young fan told Blum, “I finally understand how we eat connects to bigger stuff like the environment, economy and health of communities everywhere.”

First Book Pulls Readers into Urgent Global Mission

In the first Sorgho Squad book, From the Ruins Come Jowar!, Professor Sorgho discovers ancient clues to long-lost climate adaptation strategies. But decoding them requires finding his mythical sustainability dream team. 

Along with his trusty assistant Alice, Professor Sorgho races across the globe to piece together the clues and crew necessary to avert climate catastrophe in his world…and perhaps ours. Its sustainability meets superheroes, blended with an actual roadmap to global food security.

New Release Accelerates Action as Final Pieces Come Together  

With the recent launch of book three, The Milo Mystery accelerates the pace and stakes. Young readers join the team on their final quest to unite amidst new adversities. Success means solving interconnected puzzles linking agriculture, nutrition and climate resilience at a planetary scale. 

Can they leverage heritage crops to reboot a future-proof food system? Nothing less than humanity hangs in the balance.

Book Series Aims for Hearts, Minds…and Hands

While entertaining, Blum insists the takeaways target more than young minds. “Kids cite feeling empowered to make informed choices on how to ‘eat, shop, play.’ But many now also want to invent solutions, mirroring heroes they admire,” said Blum.

The rising impact maker points to his fan mail as proof positive of his unconventional awareness campaign taking root. One girl wrote him, “We’re starting a community garden with ancient grains after getting inspired it can make a difference.”

Through comic-inspired quests, author and change maker Nate Blum is proving reading can ready the next generation. Informed by his books, tomorrow’s leaders are already taking up the charge to build just and sustainable food systems that work for all. 

Picture of Lindsey Chastain

Lindsey Chastain

Lindsey Chastain holds a Masters degree in creative writing. She was an English professor and an award-winning journalist before starting her own writing agency. She has ghostwritten several novels and has edited many more.



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